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First Protected Bike Lane in Duluth has Arrived

Trail progress updates and our current work to assure the trail is built to its full potential:

  • August of 2021 the City of Duluth now has its first protected bike lane trough Lincoln Park (segment one). Click here for map The section through Lincoln Park is the first section built in 2015.  It runs next to the freeway for a bit so in that area called Lower Michigan Street it is now closed due to the Twin Ports Interchange project (commonly called Can-O-Worms by the locals).  The City and MNDOT created a temporary detour, the first protected bike lane in the city of Duluth. We and others hope it will stay for the long term and we also hope and advocate for the “main line” to come back along lower Michigan because there are no street crossings (long story).

  • January 26, 2021 the City held a public meeting on segment 3 asking how should the CCT go from Irving Park to the upper route.  Over 40 attended, all that commented asked that the lower route, segment 6, be completed first. See the Duluth News Tribune article reporting on the frustrated public and City staff and our response to the meeting.


  • Segment 2 to be closed in 2021 for Erie Pier Ponds Cleanup project.  Disappointing for sure but the project is needed. This is one of many AOC (Area of Concern) projects to help the health of the St Louis River Estuary and Great Lakes

  • Segment 2 (The River Route) is ready to use.  See this link for photos.

  • The River Route is on schedule to be built yet this year with a completion goal of August 2020.  On this site's interactive map it's seg 2-4 and segment 2 on the City's master plan (confusing, for sure).

  • The City Council approved the $1.9M construction contract for the River Route (seg 2-4 on our interactive map and videos) on January 13, 2020.  This is wonderful news.  This segment will extend the existing terminus at Carlton Ave into Irving Park, the heart of West Duluth.

  • The City was awarded Transportation Alternative funding for segment 3 from Irving Park to the Fairmont Trail above Grand Ave and Keene Creek Park.  The trail within the park is complete, late fall of 2020.

  • We are currently working with a coalition of groups and the City on segment 6 to assure the City is doing all it can to secure the alignment. This is the CCT's mini-master plan's top priority, from 59th Ave W to the Munger Trail Head following the abandoned BN railway to Raleigh St then along the old railway to Munger Trailhead. BN Railroad has not given the City permission yet, we are hopeful that they will.  If this is not possible there are other routes yet they are not as direct as the BN route. The main goal is to secure the alignment south of the BN tracks so the trail can reach the BN tracks.  If we can not use the BN right of way we can then take alternate routes.


Interactive Map with Videos and stills

Click on the Map


Visit the 7 segments page.  Starting at Wade Stadium area heading west along the entire route to the existing Munger Trail Head


Friends of Western Duluth Parks & Trails (formally River Corridor Coalition (RCC), Trails/Parks Committee) has been working on parks and trails topics for the past five years. Our goal for the Cross City Trail has been to find the best route to connect the existing Munger Trail Head at Pulaski St to the existing terminus at Carlton Ave and the Lakewalk Trail.  This is a regionally significant trail connection, connecting two great State Trails, the Munger Trail and Gitchi-Gami Trail.  When all complete you can go from Hinckley MN to the Canadian border.


Segment 6 is the priority for the Cross City Trail. With segment 2 being constructed we need to turn to segment 6 and have resources dedicated to completing this segment so the CCT will happen.  The other segments in the CCT plan are nice from a spurs perspective but without segment 6 completed the CCT is not complete. 

Check out the Our Vision page for more details.

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